When someone loves you, the signs are obvious. They do things that they will usually not do. They go out of their way to prove that they love you, they will never do anything intentionally to hurt or offend you.
Once you find yourself doubting someone's feelings for you, then it's safe to say that the love is not there. Because love can not be mistaken, it is either they love you or they do not love you. And if they love you, you will notice it clearly from their actions.
It is true that different people love or show their emotions in different ways. But that does not change the fact that, no matter how different their show of love is, you will still notice the signs and feel loved by them.
Do not hold on to someone that does not
Remember, indecision is a decision, if they can not make the decision of to stick to you and let go of the other relationships they are involved in, they that is a clear sign that they do not love you and you are not that important. If they can not make the decision to get serious with you, or commit to you or take the next step with you then the only explanation is they do not just want to have anything serious with you. You can help yourself by making the decision to move on with your life.
Do not hold on to a relationship that you know is going nowhere, just because you're scared of been single or you think you will not meet someone else. How can you open up to the right person if you are still holding on to the wrong person? The fear of being single is the reason why most people, especially ladies stay in bad relationships. You will be shocked how happy you will be once you let that wrong person go and learn to love yourself and stay single for a while, until the right person comes along. You were alive and happy before this person came along, you will he fine after they go.
Another huge mistake people make is holding on to an ex, calling and stalking an ex, begging them because they think that's the only way to get the ex back. That is a huge mistake, the numerous calls and messages will only push them far away. They need that break, for as long as possible for them to miss you, realize again what they once loved about you, and if they are meant for you they will come back by themselves. If they do not come back, then that's a sign that they were not the one after all.
Those calls will make them get more fed up with you, because you are still in their face even after the break up, they will want to get even further way from you and breathe, those numerous messages only make it look like you clearly can't do without them, nobody else wants you and you want to suffocate them with a relationship. When your partner asks for a break, use that time to concentrate on yourself, on making yourself better and growing in every aspect of your life, nothing will draw them back better than a new improved, focused version of you. And no bitter posts or captions on social media about love, no fake posts about been extremely happy either, just be yourself.
Someone who loves you can not even sleep if they know you are mad at them, they will want to clear the air and make things right before they sleep, such little signs are proves that they love you and can not afford to lose you.
Someone who loves you can not even sleep if they know you are mad at them, they will want to clear the air and make things right before they sleep, such little signs are proves that they love you and can not afford to lose you.
Your love for your partner is not enough reason to hold on to them, their love for you counts too, you deserve to be loved, to be pampered and treated right. Do not allow anybody treat you like you are not good enough or like you do not deserve to be loved, because you do.
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