Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Dont be a liability in your marriage. Get your marriage right.

A man need a woman who is civilised. Use wisdom and pray for Gods intervention to run your home with less crisis. A godly wife should watch what she says when she's angry with her husband . Set your goals as a wife. Dont be lead by your friends. Dont allow your family to be involved or interfere in your marriage. Men look for women that genuinely have their back,so dont be a selfish wife to your husband. A man want a woman that will stand by him when things are not going on smoothly in their lives, when he is facing life challenges . Men want to feel safe around their wives. Dont be a careless wife that takes speculation as facts , dont be a woman that uses her mothers marriage experience to run her home. Be a desirable woman to your spouse. May the good Lord protect our marriages and grant us peace in our homes

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