Wednesday, 24 August 2016

How To Be a Good Spouse To Your Partner .

Your husband's innermost desire is not to be attracted to is for you to be attracted to him

The women who are your competition are the one's who make your husband feel important, interesting, capable, and attractive. The admiring secretary has a much better chance of having an affair with your husband than the young beauty who lives next door--even if she is ten years older than you! To keep your husband attracted to you, you need to make your husband feel young (even if he's 60), attractive, important, and interesting. Don't do it because you fear losing him (that would be needy), but do it because you love him and because that's part of what it really means to be married.

Honour her. “Showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel” (1 Peter 3:7). Because both you and your wife have a soul for eternity, you have equal worth. Because your wife is weaker than you are, you need to honour her in a special way to show you realise her worth. You also need to protect her. Feminism insists on obscuring differences between men and women. This leads to a loss of the realisation that men need to honour and protect women, especially husbands their wives. In the grind of daily living, the command to husbands to “not be harsh” with their wives (Colossians 3:19) is one of the most important ways to show the honour wives deserve.

posted from Bloggeroid