THIS SUNDAY; I am forced to ask again and again; Why do we have so many Demonic Mega-Churches and Fraudulent Mega Pastors in the midst of so much Poverty, Hunger, Diseases, Suffering and Hunger? WHY do we have Corrupt Politicians taking Refuge in the Churches? Why do we have so much Fraud being Camouflaged as Miracles in the midst of monumental Religious and Political Criminality?

Retson A Tedheke
WHY have we Ignore the least of God's Own and Promoted the Criminals among us? Why is being our brothers keeper now so alien to the Religious and our Political Leadership? WHY have we become those who are so afraid to DIE for a good cause, But keep preaching Heaven as though we will not die before we get there? Why do we seek God in all the wrong places or Churches and Mosque? Why has Materialism become the evidence of God's Greatness and we are so quickly forget that the productive engine of the world (China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India) are neither Christians nor Muslims? Why are we Blinded to the fact that LOVE is the only Connectivity between our Humanity and our Divinity?
READ the BIBLE or the QURAN cover to cover, 1,000 times in this lifetime, it is worthless if what you read is not exemplified in your Words, Actions and your Relationships. To fight for the interest of those who cannot fight for themselves is the greatest good anyone of us can do to Mankind. TO WORSHIP GOD is to Love Humanity as we wish and desire to be loved by Humans. Because the Love of the Works of God is the Love of God. There is no GOD without his creation, which is our Humanity and there is no Relationship with God without a relationship with his creation which is between YOU and I.
There is no better pathway to Heaven than that which involves the Struggle for the Betterment of Mankind and Humanity. Activism, Revolution and the Struggle for the Good of all is the Purest form of Humanity. JESUS the Christ was a Socialist, A Rebel, An Activist and Led a Spiritual Revolution that centered on Fairness, Equality and Justice for all. He Loved, He Sacrificed, He Connected and He was Selfless in his determination to change the world and make it a better place. For this he Died so that we can have the audacity to Revolt against the Evil of Greed, Selfishness and Corruption that betrays the essence of Human Relationships.
In the Words of Mahatma Ghandi, let me underline my Eternal Struggle. "I love your Christ, But I Hate you Christians, You are Nothing like your Christ". The Christ I Believe in is in the Humanity that I see, It is not in your Churches, Christ is freedom, Christ is Endless, Christ is Churchless, Christ is the goodness of our Humility, He is the Eternal Fearless Revolutionist. HE IS LOVE PERSONIFIED. He is everywhere but our CHURCHES.
Happy Sunday, Ya'all.

Retson A Tedheke
WHY have we Ignore the least of God's Own and Promoted the Criminals among us? Why is being our brothers keeper now so alien to the Religious and our Political Leadership? WHY have we become those who are so afraid to DIE for a good cause, But keep preaching Heaven as though we will not die before we get there? Why do we seek God in all the wrong places or Churches and Mosque? Why has Materialism become the evidence of God's Greatness and we are so quickly forget that the productive engine of the world (China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India) are neither Christians nor Muslims? Why are we Blinded to the fact that LOVE is the only Connectivity between our Humanity and our Divinity?
READ the BIBLE or the QURAN cover to cover, 1,000 times in this lifetime, it is worthless if what you read is not exemplified in your Words, Actions and your Relationships. To fight for the interest of those who cannot fight for themselves is the greatest good anyone of us can do to Mankind. TO WORSHIP GOD is to Love Humanity as we wish and desire to be loved by Humans. Because the Love of the Works of God is the Love of God. There is no GOD without his creation, which is our Humanity and there is no Relationship with God without a relationship with his creation which is between YOU and I.
There is no better pathway to Heaven than that which involves the Struggle for the Betterment of Mankind and Humanity. Activism, Revolution and the Struggle for the Good of all is the Purest form of Humanity. JESUS the Christ was a Socialist, A Rebel, An Activist and Led a Spiritual Revolution that centered on Fairness, Equality and Justice for all. He Loved, He Sacrificed, He Connected and He was Selfless in his determination to change the world and make it a better place. For this he Died so that we can have the audacity to Revolt against the Evil of Greed, Selfishness and Corruption that betrays the essence of Human Relationships.
In the Words of Mahatma Ghandi, let me underline my Eternal Struggle. "I love your Christ, But I Hate you Christians, You are Nothing like your Christ". The Christ I Believe in is in the Humanity that I see, It is not in your Churches, Christ is freedom, Christ is Endless, Christ is Churchless, Christ is the goodness of our Humility, He is the Eternal Fearless Revolutionist. HE IS LOVE PERSONIFIED. He is everywhere but our CHURCHES.
Happy Sunday, Ya'all.
posted from Bloggeroid
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