Monday, 28 November 2016

Sunday, 27 November 2016
Losing the Connection In Marriage :We Still Love Each Other but No Longer Connect .

How did you lose each other? Maybe you can't put your finger on it, but something is definitely not right. That's common too and dont beat yourself up over your unstable marriage. You are not the only one going through challenges in your marriage but by the grace God you will be out of it gloriously.
I know deep inside your hearts you dont want to lose each other. So make a commitment with your partner to work hard on restoring your marriage. For God loves a beautiful marriages. He blesses a happy matrimonial home and it provokes the devil.
Try your best by trying not talk about them at all. bring them up even once. Instead, put your energies into trying to connect. Resolve your differences in a calm and matured way , try and fall in love over and over again, this can be achieved by concentrating only on those things you love in your partner, and avoid going out to look for comfort when there are issues in your marriage, stay home and work it out.
STEP AWAY FROM YOUR PROBLEMS and spend your time and energy doing specific relationship building activities.
And again before you deal with your problems, you first have to build a good relationship with your spouse, so that you can deal with your problems together. This is doable even in the most difficult marital situations.
Lastly, be your partner's best friend. If you are married, it is best to make your spouse your best friend. Marriage between best friends is the best, most successful, fun filled and romantic marriage.
Thank you for reading.
May the joy of the Lord be with us
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Saturday, 26 November 2016


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Motivational Write up by Angela Uyi- titled LIFE ALL IN

A while ago I was thinking to myself, what is this life all about… Than it hit me! It’s not about the looks, the strength or the cool tricks that you’ll ilearn but it’s about being proud of your way of life! How you live your life determines your outcome and your self-worth. And you know what? This is what will make you happy, not money or possessions but the feeling that you’ve lived a good and full life.
Think to yourself, what is really important in your life. That test you have next week? Okay this is important too but if you put it in aspect against the rest of your life, it’s NOTHING. In a couple of years you won’t remember a thing about that test but you’ll still remember the great times you had with friends, the moments you were proud of yourself, your accomplishments and the times you felt truly happy.
#Motivational #Inspirational #Life
Providing others with an awesome way of life! You may only be 1 person out of 6 billion but you’re unique and if you put your mind to it you can do BIG THINGS! You have a much bigger impact than you can imagine right now.
Through your life you will inspire people to become more and you’ll be indirectly responsible for their success. Wouldn’t that be an awesome feeling? Knowing that you’ve made a person truly happy with his or her life. Subsequent that person will inspire dozens of others and they’ll be happier to. If you look at it like this you’ll have inspired thousands of people by the end of your life. I believe that is something to be proud of. Written by Angela Uyi Dpa
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Surviving infidelity when you are blamed

Dont be confused or blame yourself for believing you are the cause of your parents unfaithfulness.
You caught your husband or wife in his or her deceit. For the past so many months or even years, he or she has been involved in marital infidelity. You've got some details, but you can never know if this is all of it, or if there is more. Lying has been your betraying partner's calling card.
My advice to you is this, your partner's cheating art is not your fault dont be deceived that is yours and beat yourself to depression when he or she selfishly blames it on you.
My advice:
Try your best in your marriage physically and through prayers and and leave the rest to God.
Thank you for reading.
May the joy of the lord be with us.
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May the joy of God be with us
You're mad, your hurt… and you're scared.
But the worst of it, you're cheating spouse is blaming you for the marital infidelity!
Dealing with infidelity
Your cheating spouse is giving you a long list of reasons why it was alright for him or her to cheat. And at the top of this list is something that he or she identifies that you did or did not do that lead to his or her getting involved with another person outside the marriage.
You are vulnerable. Your partner is blaming you for his or her folly. You feel so overwhelmed and confused. You wonder, maybe he or she it is right—that you are responsible for his or her marital infidelity?
Your partner's words of blame are self-serving and selfish. Either he or she is trying to get you to feel guilty so you won't want to talk about the affair which essentially "shuts you up" and makes dealing with infidelity impossible or he or she does not have the strength of character to accept responsibility and then struggle with the feelings of guilt and shame for what he or she has done.
Don't accept his or her nonsense that you are to blame—this is not part of dealing with infidelity. Recovering from an affair requires truthfulness. Nobody forces somebody to befriend someone, spend time with them and have sex together.
It is true, your partner may have been unhappy in the marriage and you may have contributed to that unpleasantness, however you did not make your partner commit marital infidelity and become a lover to someone outside of the marriage. That was your cheating partner's choice to do so.
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Marriage topic is not thought in school, but you can learn if you are passionate about achieving a healthy marriage.
In marriage communication skills, it is very important, the manner in which you approach your partner when both of you are having issues. If you are unable to address the issues in your relationship, you are tempted to turn your time and energy elsewhere? What is called flight-and-flight, can lead to a behaviour that is alienating, including infidelity, alcohol abuse or a demeaning resort to pornography, compulsive spending or workaholic tendencies.
Always try to talk things through with your partner in a very respectful and calm voice. #BeingInRelationship
Do you ever just give up when you disagree with your spouse? Dont always feel that airing your heart out or getting your partners to calmly listen to what you want isn’t worth the fight? That’s yielding.
Yielding leads to symptoms like depression and resentment.
# healthyMarriagetopic
give ear to each other’s opinion and make mutually satisfying win-win plans together? That’s what good communication in marriage should look like.
Believe it or not, good communication is a skill. Good communication supports happy marriages. The good news is that you can learn those skills.
May the goodness of God be with us.
Thank you for reading
Please drop a word of encouragement
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Thursday, 24 November 2016
You fall in love with his (or her) flaws.

No relationship is perfect, and even soulmate relationships will experience ups and downs. Still, that bond will be much harder to break. Soulmates have an easier time of accepting, even learning to love, each other’s imperfections. Your relationship is more likely to be a soulmate match if you both love each other exactly as you each are, accepting both the great and awful tendencies we all are.
I wish you endless day of joy, peace and unfading love in your marriage
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Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Ways To Let Go Of Insecurity In Your Relationship

Checking your Partner's phone, stalking their social media page, following up on their activities is a bad game, resist from it.. the method you choose to investigate your partner is of no relevance, what is of relevance is the fact that there is no trust in the relationship and it is therefore a total waste of both your time, it will only make you paranoid, angry, distrusting, controlling.
All relationships require effort and hard work, and without these things you may notice that you feel unhappy and under-appreciated change strategy, look for new approach to better your marriage.
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Sunday, 20 November 2016

I have often wondered why is it that most men forget to give gifts to their wives? Why is it that we overlook the need to give our wives pocket money? Say.. "baby, take this and buy yourself something or this is your pocket money for this month." This pocket money is not the same thing as soup money or money to buy things at home. I mean money strictly for her and her alone. Understand?
Now, i am not saying all our wives are in need. I am not relegating women to the background, what Yoruba people call Alabodo (feed them for sex). I know that in this age and time, most women work and some of them earn well enough to take care of their basic needs ... and their children, if not even earn better than their husbands and in good position to shoulder the loads of the family. But God forbid that men will wait on their wives!.
But my take here is: is anything wrong in saying "baby, take this as your pocket money for this month" ? I guess there is nothing wrong in that even if she earns better than you the husband. I guess its an act that God will be glad we men still play, not minding how much you give or if your wife needs it or not.
Now ask the woman next to you: if your husband gives you pocket money monthly, not minding if its N5k or N10k, or N100k, will you take it or not? Will you appreciate it or not?
You know women naaaaw, na bring bring bring, be their philosophy. They will take it. I guess if we men cultivate that act, it will go a long way to make our wives believe their husbands love them. And watch what such women will do in response.
Let me tell you a story. One day, a client paid me a big sum and i just felt like tripping baby. I put her in the Toyota Camry car i was using then and off i drove to Shoprite on VI. I did not even tell her we were going to Shoprite. When we got there, she exploded
"Do you have money? What are we doing here?
I said "just follow me and pick anything you want."
Right inside Shoprite, I picked cart and wheeled it behind her. "Pick anything you want baby."
See women o! Na so she dey pick, pick, pick. The cart was full. Then she picked her own cart too, and in minutes, her cart was full too. I picked the bill, almost N86,000. As we were going out of the mall, something struck her ...
"Felloow (she calls me Felloow B, after the order of Supremost Comradium of the World headquarter. Daysis Oblanjahorr)
"You did not buy yourself anything! she wondered
"Ah, i have no cash left. Let us go home ..."
"No, i have some money. Lets go back and pick what you want.
So we went back. My wife picked a bill of N42k for me alone.
Now, you know i never knew my wife had money on her? But she brought it out and spent on me because i had impressed her. My man, Impress your wife, she will spin surprises on you.
Now look at this again: when i scrutinised all we bought with my N86k, hardly was there anything strictly for her. Almost everything we bought were things we used at home and for the children. But when it was her turn to buy for me, i bought things for MYSELF! Shaving cream, boxers, stockings, slippers, DVDs, condoms, singlets, my kind of wine, (understand?) etc. Things me alone use!
It taught me a great lesson: most women are good. Most women are not greedy. All they want is show them you love them, you will catch them for life!
Men, give your wives pocket money today. Cultivate the habit. Don’t say sebi she is working.
And women, don’t say how much are you giving me gan sef. say thank you.
I hope I am in order?
Got it from a WhatsApp group.
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opportunity to improve your relationship

She married him today. At the end of the wedding
party, her mother gave her a newly opened bank
savings passbook, with $1000 deposited in it.
She told her, "My dear daughter, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your married life. Whenever something
happy and memorable happens in your new life, put
some money in. Write down what it's about next to the
amount. The more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in. I've done the first one for you today. Do the others with your husband. When you look back after many years, you will know how much happiness you've both shared.'
She shared this with
him after getting home. Both of them thought it was a
great idea and couldn't wait to make the next deposit!
This is what the passbook looked like after a while: -
7Feb: $100, his first birthday celebration after marriage
1 Mar: $300, she gets a salary raise
20 Mar: $200, vacation
15 Apr: $2000, She's pregnant!
1 Jun: $1000, He gets the big promotion and so on...
However, as the years went by, they began fighting
and arguing over trivial things. They didn't talk much.
They regretted that they had married the most nasty
person in the world. There was no more love.
One day she talked to her Mother. 'Mom, we can't stand it anymore. We have decided to divorce. I can't imagine how I decided to marry this guy!'
Her mother replied, 'Sure, that's no big deal. Just do whatever you want, if
you really can't stand it.
But before that, do one thing remember the savings passbook I gave you on your
wedding day? Take out all money and spend it first.
You shouldn't keep any record of such a poor
She agreed with her mother. So she went to the bank, and was waiting in the queue to cancel the account.
While she was waiting, she took a look at the passbook record. She looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joyful moments came back to her. Her eyes were filled with tears.
She left and went home. When she got home, she handed the passbook to her hubby and asked him to spend the money before getting divorced.
So the next day, he went to the bank, and was waiting in the queue to cancel the account. While he was waiting, he took a look at the passbook record. He looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joyful moments came back to him. His eyes were filled with tears.
He left and went home. He gave the passbook back to her. She found a new deposit of $5000. And a line next to the record: 'This is the day I realized how much I've loved you throughout all these years. How much happiness you've brought me.' They hugged and cried, putting the passbook back into the safe.
Marriage is not a game, it's not easy but it's beautiful. You will fight and argue, this is normal, because the both of you came from different
background, different homes and you both were raised by
different parents, beliefs and moral. So you cannot expect that everything you say will be accepted by your spouse without their opinion being tendered first. So before you give up, think back to the good times and to what brought you together in the first place.
Dedicated to all married couples.
Please forward the link to your married friends and family members.
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Saturday, 19 November 2016

I don’t appreciate being called an idiot, and I know I don’t deserve it, just like none of us deserve misdirected rage from a family member, coworker, or stranger.
We have a right to set boundaries and communicate when something is not okay. But the world is a better place when we choose to do that from a place of love and compassion instead of righteousness and judgment.
We all act thoughtlessly at times. Most often we don’t mean to hurt each other. We just don’t recognize or remember how to stop hurting ourselves.
Photo by Yim Hafiz
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Friday, 18 November 2016

The early years in your marriage are the perfect time to learn how to deal constructively with the fallout of those unexpected disappointments and dashed expectations. It's all part of the adjustment phase of marriage, and God's in the thick of it with you and for you. He wants your marriage to thrive, and he'll guide you in the process. Along with seeking his wisdom.
Source: Growthtrac
(build a better marriage
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Think your husband [or wife] is having an affair?

Every engaged couple had planned to have a great married life together before the Evil betrayal called adultery finds its way into the vulnerable adults, causing hovac to their desired union and it only happens when one of the partners creates a space for intruders to come in, raging from porn addiction to flirtation with someone from the opposite sex.
My advice for couples out there who are planning to get married soon is for them to build a firm and solid bridge in their relationship. Do not give room for infidelity. Each step you take away from the holiness of your marriage might create a vacuum for infidelity.
Each flirty conversation, each sensual fantasy creates room for infidelity.
God's standard for everyone is to keep the marriage bed pure. They are two kinds of impurities: inward and outward impurity. What goes on in our hearts is inward impurity, the things we choose to think about that lead us to cheat on our spouse.
2. Outward impurity: according to Amy Groeschel, is our behavior- the things we chose to do and not to do. Avoid cheating on your partner even once, because once can lead to twice and eventually lead to addiction. Always see something in your partner that you can not see in anybody else. And if you are the victim in the marriage, if u are the one been cheated on, like I always say in most of my articles, make it less easy for your partner to cheat on you, by taking care of urself, always. Look good for your partner. Always show him or her so much love and affection that they can not find elsewhere. Always be on top of your game in your marriage. Do not relax because you now have him or her for ever. Thank you for reading.
posted from Bloggeroid
Thursday, 17 November 2016

You don’t want any amount of poison in your marriage, do you? If NO! Then do your best to avoid temptations by making the right choices in your relationship.
The apostle Paul writes, “But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people”
(Ephesians 5:3, emphasismine).
This means nobody should be able to see anything in our behavior that could give the impression we’re engaging in anything immoral or impure. Even just a little might be too much? Yes! Because impurity is like poison; even a little poison is too much. It takes only a little to kill you.
You don’t want any amount of poison in your marriage. Don't create room for infidelity in your marriage.
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Wednesday, 16 November 2016
I want to enlighten and warn you against falling a victim to social media fraud

Today I'm writing about a fraudulent trend that is peculiar on social medias; especially Facebook. The trick has been in existence for long but it just got worse now because of the economic situation in the country. The crime rate has gone up. I want to enlighten and warn you against falling a victim to such tricks. Some criminals have brought up a way of tricking people and getting money from them through social media. They create a fake profile on social media, use pictures of a very beautiful and flashy non existing girl, or where the picture is true, the girl is not even aware that someone is using her pictures somewhere. They lure men into establishing a relationship with them online, they chat with those men and after sometime, they make the chats more intimate and sexual. Then they start blackmailing the man to send them money or they will munch the chat and send to their wives; this type of blackmail is mostly used on men that make it known on their Facebook profile, who they are married to. Another way they get money from victims is by talking to them about meeting up in person and having fun, that's after chatting with the person for a while, when the man goes to meet the girl he saw in the pictures and fell in love with, it turns out to be some guys, he either gets kidnapped or robbed or even killed. Also this criminal act is perpetuated on unsuspecting vulnerable ladies on social medias too who are looking for a genuine relationship. Just recently, a guy was arrested for scamming girls on Facebook. He created a Facebook account and used pictures of a good looking man, he wrote on his profile that he is based abroad and posted all the nice things that can entice women. He then adds girls and starts to chat with them and they quickly fall for him because of his good looks, interactions and deviant manipulative approach. He gets intimate with them after a while and then request for naked pictures. Once these pictures are sent to him, he uses it to blackmail them, threatening to post them on social media if they do not send him money. He succeeded in getting money from many girls before one of them finally got the courage to report him to the police and he was arrested. So I just want to use this platform to warn us against these criminal activities and trend. Be very careful about who you befriend and get intimate with on social media and who you send nude pictures to. Some accounts on social medias are fake. There are a lot of criminals and psychopaths out there in the world. You could be chatting with a guy and think you are chatting with a beautiful girl. And ladies, you could be chatting with a dirty and scrupulous criminal thinking you are chatting with a good and honest guy that is well to do or even based abroad. It should be NOTED that the tricks mentioned are only but a few. There are other methods or tricks these criminals use to dupe people and they come up with new tricks all the time. So be careful, smart and vigilant about what you do or post on social media. Warn your loved ones too. Thank you for reading.
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There is a saying that; 'When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers'. A good marriage and a good career takes so much time and effort to make it a success. When the two are not properly managed, the people involved get to suffer it or affected the most. The good news is that it's possible to be married and have a career with little compromise along the way, you just have to know how best to manage both. A balanced life is non negotiable.
Each of these elephants (career and marriage) have its expectations. And navigating both means becoming a good manager. Yes! a good manager of your expectations. High demands from employers due to competitive job market cripples the zeal and emotions of most employees. This is greater for the executives and much more for not yet managers. Managing your daily career routine and marriage routine through stress relief module that works for you will do the magic. Different strokes for different folks they say; to some people, it's all about short touch points like calls, emails, pinging etc within working hours while it works more at evening personal time for others. The question is 'what works for you?
A quick check on the following could be of help while you consciously think about the module that works for you;
1. Prioritize your life knowing that your creator (God) expects you to love Him first, then your marriage/family comes second and at third place is your career. This is God's plan from the beginning. You can trace your way back by first of all acknowledging Him everyday in your marriage. When the first and second are properly managed, the third automatically fits in.
2.Sincerely identify, spell out and strategies your career and marriage goals. Achieving them is the beginning of success and fulfillment for you.
3. Maintaining good communication skills with spouse, children (if any) and at work too. This gives the support needed especially when the job description goes beyond expectations.
3. Set out ground rules for your marriage, it helps in crossing the 'Ts' and dotting the 'I's.
4. Adore your family time with spouse or children. weekends and vacations are precious time to look forward to but for those that work round the clock, every spared second must be highly maximized. Remember that family is the first resting place of relief from every other thing, so learn to increase your bond by
Planning date nights with spouse.
Making time for a Sport, game or anything you both love.
Bringing your spouse to company events like end of year party.
Avoiding constant breakage of appointments with spouse.
Taking the kids to the movies or amusement parks.
Planning ahead to attend children's school PTA, end of year party, visiting day etc.
Make out time to atleast flip through their books and homework.
An upfront clarification of your expectations regarding child care, money, travelling, meals etc help your decisions regarding trade offs.
And if possible, switch off your phone and other gargets to add value to your family time.
5.Finally,there is no one size fits all solution, be sure that one person is not doing all the sacrifices. Always ask your spouse for feedbacks.
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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

“As we move to diversify our economy we are acutely aware that we need oil to get out of oil. Yet our window of opportunity to benefit maximally from the petroleum industry is narrowing."
Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo
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Recently a guy was arrested for scamming girls on Facebook. Click to read more

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Recently a guy was arrested for scamming girls on Facebook. Click to read more
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Monday, 14 November 2016
Today is World Diabetes day

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Friday, 11 November 2016
A student of Adamawa State Polytechnic has slit the throat of his girlfriend.

This sad event took place On Wednesday, November 9 at the Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola Main Campus.
DAILY POST gathered that the lady, identified as Witness by name, was said to have been dating the young man who was a student of the same institution before the sad incident.
On the fateful day, an eyewitness said the young man had called the victim’s phone severally but all to no avail as she did not pick or return the calls, thus enraging her estranged lover.
Few minutes latter, the lady was seen by the lover alighting from another man’s vehicle with polythene bag containing bread and some raw eggs.
“Upon sighting her, the enraged lover confronted her to know where she was coming from and why she had refused to take her calls. Heated argument ensued between them.
“While the argument lasted, the man got angry, pulled out a sharp knife and slit her throat like an animal.
“Her screams for help attracted male folks around the area but he had inflicted much wounds both on her throat and face.
“He quickly ran to the school gate threatening to stab the security man if the gate was not opened for him”, the source said.
The lady was rushed to the hospital for medical attention where she’s currently battling for her life.
The source added that the lover has been arrested by the police.
Efforts to reach police in the state could not tiled any fruit at the moment.
Source: Daily Post
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Corrupt leaders should be killed says Mr Charlyboy

He made the call during a news conference put together by the “Occupy Unlimited” group, a civil society group that advocates good governance and corruption-free society.
Charly Boy, who is the National Coordinator of the group, said “corrupt leadership has been killing ordinary Nigerians slowly and steadily over the years.
“It is time to properly define it as ‘murder in disguise’, and treat as treasonable offence against our dear country.
“Over 180 million people are surviving at the mercy of few politicians who have mastered the art of creating division among her own people through religion, ethnicity, corruption, and frivolous issues.”
According to the social activist, death penalty should be introduced for all politically-corrupt persons in Nigeria if the nation really wants to be lifted out of economic hardship.
He advised that the immunity clause in the Nigerian constitution be reviewed, adding that “corruption is hiding under the immunity clause to loot and plunder.”
Source: Daily Post
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One million tonnes of smuggled rice may enter Nigeria – Processors petition Buhari

The processors say smugglers of foreign rice are beginning to flood Nigerian markets with smuggled products as the Yuletide season approaches and have warehoused over one million tonnes of the commodity in neighbouring countries.
The Chairman, RIPAN, Mr. Abubakar Mohammed; and the Secretary, who is a former Minister of Justice, Chief Michael Aondoakaa (SAN), in a joint statement in Abuja on Thursday, said if the development is not addressed, it would jeopardize over N200bn worth of investments in the sector.
“Information at our disposal shows massive smuggling of finished rice into Nigeria. Our investigation showed that these products are berthed and warehoused in Republic of Benin, Niger and Cameroon at very little import duties, and then pushed into Nigeria where the perpetrators eventually make unconscionable profit, having paid zero duties at our borders,” they said.
Displaying some documents before journalists, Mohammed said, “For your confirmation, please find attached these documents that show the list of ships carrying these products and their time of arrival at the various ports.
“And please be reminded that among countries in the West Coast of Africa, only the Nigerian market consumes parboiled rice and this list shows that all the ships conveyed parboiled rice.”
RIPAN stated that although it had sent its petition to the President through the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbeh, and had briefed the Nigerian Customs Service on the matter, it felt the urgency to write the president.
“This has been confirmed by different agencies like NAFDAC, the NCS and a few others,” Mohammed added.
The association urged the Federal Government to engage the governments of the neighbouring countries where the commodity was warehoused to fashion out anti-smuggling measures to address the menace in order to save the Nigerian economy and its citizens.
It said, “The NCS should collaborate with the DSS and other relevant security agencies to track unpatriotic elements at the borders and bring them to book in order to deter others from being used by smugglers to smuggle over one million tonnes of rice currently warehoused in these neighbouring countries, with the dubious intention of smuggling it into Nigeria during the festive season.
“For if this is not checked, it will kill the huge investments made by the Federal Government in the various rice intervention programmes and it will also destroy the billions of naira invested by private sector stakeholders in the rice value chain.
“If this massive act of smuggling is not checked by the Nigerian government, it will undermine the zeal and efforts of over 25 million Nigerian farmers across the country who have gone back to farming in response to the present administration’s call for the diversification of the economy through agriculture.”
Source: Daily Post
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Thursday, 10 November 2016
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Niger Delta militant group, Bakassi Strike Force surrenders arms

A Niger Delta militant group, Bakassi Strike Force (BSF), has surrendered part of its arms to show its desire to lay down their arms if the Federal Government addressed their concerns.
Lt.-Col. Olaolu Daudu, the spokesman of Joint Military Force in the Niger Delta confirmed the development to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Yenagoa.
Daudu said that the terms of the surrender were being worked out by Cross River Command of Department of State Security Services and Cross River government.
He said that the militant group had turned in one General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) and an AK 47 rifle as a show of good faith towards the peace deal.
“Available information from Sector 4 in Cross River State indicates that Bakassi Strike Force (BSF) militants led by one Mr Benjamin Ene have expressed unreserved willingness to lay down their arms.
“They have contacted the Department of State Service in Cross River State through the State Government’s appointed rappoteur on amnesty to signify their readiness to hold talks on amnesty with the relevant authorities.
“To buttress this demonstration of goodwill, BSF turned in one General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) and an AK 47 rifle.
“The Department of State Service representatives and representatives of the rappoteur have since recovered the arms as talks are ongoing on modalities to surrender their remaining arms,” Daudu said.
It will be recalled that the leader of the group, Mr Benjamin Ene, aka ‘Humble Lion G1’ had on Nov. 1 expressed the desire to surrender in a telephone interview with NAN in Yenagoa.
Ene said that the group was not out to vandalise national assets but for the well-being of his people who resided in Bakassi, now ceded to Cameroon.
The leader, who spoke from his camp in the creeks of southern Cross River, said that unlike other militant groups, it had no record of oil installation destruction or molestation of the citizens.
Daudu said that the Acting Commander the Joint Military Force deployed to the Niger Delta, Operation Delta Safe, Brig.-Gen Kevin Aligbe had applauded the move by the militant group to surrender and embrace peace.
Aligbe maintained that the military has zero tolerance for militancy and related crimes in the Joint Operations Area and urged other aggrieved groups to emulate the BSF by laying down their arms.
According Daudu, the Commander advised the other Niger Delta militants groups to embrace the reconciliatory channels open at both state and federal levels.
The spokesman also said that troops of Sector 3, following a tip off, on Wednesday swiftly reacted and swooped on suspected sea robbers around Kumfari Community near Idama in Rivers State.
During the encounter one suspected sea robber was killed, two were wounded and seven others apprehended while one locally made pistol and machete were recovered.
He said that the suspects were undergoing further investigation. (NAN).
Source: Daily Post
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SPECIAL CHARLIE BOY #OCCUPYUNLTD CAMPAIGN: The Coalition of the ordinary Nigerian are Vexed and Angry that Politicians are abandoning good governance for the collective interest of all. We have watched as those elected to lead and service the Nigeria people have become Looters of our commonwealth and they have done that with Mindlessly Audacious Impunity. In Killing the Sustained Corruption that has so pervaded the Political Class; we the people cannot continue to be docile and silent. We Elected a Man renowned for his integrity and Honesty but that is not enough. It is time to link the Anger on the Street with the negative impact of Political corruption and Criminality that has failed the Nigerian Humanity. This is a National Call for Mass Empowerment, Mental Emancipation and Societal Sanitation. An injury to one is an Injury to all. We must rise up and fight for good governance together or we will die hungry, poor and alone. You are invited to this Special #OCCUPYNASSUNLTD Awareness Campaign & Press Conference Managed and Hosted by #CharlieBoy (Area Father). Date: Tomorrow, Thursday, 10th Nov., 2016 @ 10:00am prompt. Venue: Punk Palace; Charlie Boy’s Residence/House; Gwarinpa, Abuja. THEME: "SUPPORTING PMB'S ANTI-CORRUPTION WAR, THE CHANGE BEGINS WITH ME PROJECT & #OCCUPYNASS UNLTD DEMAND FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE". #OCCUPYNASS remains Tues 15th November, 2016. Charles Oputa; National Coordinator For Occupy Unlimited Movement
In Killing the Sustained Corruption that has so pervaded the Political Class; we the people cannot continue to be docile and silent. We Elected a Man renowned for his integrity and Honesty but that is not enough. It is time to link the Anger on the Street with the negative impact of Political corruption and Criminality that has failed the Nigerian Humanity.
This is a National Call for Mass Empowerment, Mental Emancipation and Societal Sanitation. An injury to one is an Injury to all. We must rise up and fight for good governance together or we will die hungry, poor and alone.
You are invited to this Special #OCCUPYNASSUNLTD Awareness Campaign & Press Conference Managed and Hosted by #CharlieBoy (Area Father).
Date: Tomorrow, Thursday, 10th Nov., 2016 @ 10:00am prompt.
Venue: Punk Palace; Charlie Boy’s Residence/House; Gwarinpa, Abuja.
#OCCUPYNASS remains Tues 15th November, 2016.
Charles Oputa;

National Coordinator
For Occupy Unlimited Movementĺ
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Buhari to swear in Onnoghen as acting CJN as Mohammed retires

Onnoghen would be sworn in inside the Council Chambers of the Aso Rock Presidential Villa in Abuja.
The ceremony is expected to hold at 2.00pm.
Mr. Onnoghen will succeed the outgoing CJN, Justice Mahmud Muhammed, who will retire today as she clocks 70 years, the mandatory retirement age for justices of the appellate court.
The Federal Judicial Service Commission (FJSC) had forwarded the name of Onnoghen to the National Judicial Council (NJC) for further recommendation to Buhari.
Meanwhile, the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters yesterday screened Justices Sidi Dauda Bage (North-Central) and Paul Adamu Galinje (North-East) as justices of the Supreme Court.
Source: Daily Post
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Teacher arrested for having anal sex with 10-year-old boy
Obi, 20, allegedly had anal sex with the pupil at an undisclosed school in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital.

Oyo State Police Public Relations Officer, Adekunle Ajisebutu, yesterday disclosed that the offence was committed last week.
Ajisebutu explained that: “The 20-year-old primary school teacher was arrested for having anal intercourse with a 10-year-old boy.
“The suspect, who was also a personal teacher of the victim, committed the unlawful act on November 5, 2016.
“He lured the little boy to a house in the Asaka Itamaya area of Ibadan where the offence was committed.”
The teacher was arrested based on the complaint lodged by the mother of the victim at Iyaganku Police Station in Ibadan.
He said: “Following the report made at the station by victim’s mother after the boy narrated his ordeal to her, detectives from the station arrested the suspect in his hideout.
“During interrogation, the suspect confessed to the crime and disclosed that he was introduced to the act by an older friend, who is now at large.
“The victim was taken to a hospital for medical attention.”
The Oyo State Commissioner of Police, Samuel Adegbuyi, has directed immediate arraignment of the suspect in court after completion of investigation by the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department.
He also advised parents and guardians to properly monitor their children.
Meanwhile, a tailor has been sent to prison for raping a girl in Ondo.
Source: Daily Post
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N26m scam: EFCC arraigns Fani-Kayode

The anti-graft agency has earlier filed some fresh money laundering charges against him before the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja.
Fani-Kayode is the sole defendant in the fresh charges numbered, FHC/ABJ/CR/140/2016, before Justice John Tsoho of the Federal High Court in Abuja.
The EFCC in the fresh case filed five counts, in which it accused the defendant of diverting N26m allegedly received from the ONSA while Sambo Dasuki was in office.
Fani-Kayode, a former Director of Media and Publicity of the PDP Presidential Campaign Organisation, was re-arrested by EFCC operatives while emerging from a Federal High Court room in Lagos.
He is standing trial in the Lagos court alongside a former Minister of Finance, Nenandi Usman, one Danjuma Yusuf and a company, Joint Trust Dimension Nigeria Ltd.
The trio is facing a 17-count charge of unlawful retention, unlawful use and unlawful payment of money to the tune of about N4.9 billion, a charge they denied.
Reports say that the Prosecutor, Mr Rotimi Oyedepo, had concluded the witness’ evidence for the day, and the case adjourned till Nov. 14 and Nov. 15 for continuation of hearing.
Meanwhile, the PDP has warned that Fani-Kayode must not die in EFCC custody.
Source: Daily Post
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N5m ribery scandal: EFCC set to remand Godwin Obla

Obla, who has been in EFCC detention for the last two days, is also a former EFCC prosecutor.
A source told Punch that, “We still need to keep him for interrogation. We will therefore approach a court to get a remand order.”
On Wednesday, Obla, who used to be an EFCC prosecutor, was identified as the senior advocate who made the mysterious payment and was detained by the EFCC.
A detective at the EFCC said, “Obla arrived at the Lagos office in the afternoon in response to an invitation. Obla is being queried in relation to an allegation of the payment of N5m to a company in which Justice Ofili-Ajumogobia has interests.
“The High Court judge had earlier told operatives during interrogation that the money was a part payment for a property she sold to the lawyer in Abuja for the sum of N40m sometime in 2015.
“But Obla’s response contradicted the judge’s position. The senior advocate told investigators that the money was meant for buying of building materials (iron rods) for a building he was putting up in Abuja and not for buying of any property.
“Obla explained that in one of his trips to Lagos, he ran into the judge who had been a contemporary in university days and asked her where he could get very good building materials in Lagos.
“He said the judge gave him the name of someone who plies the trade. She provided the company’s name and the account number for the transaction. Obla said he paid the money and goods were supplied.
“When asked the name of the trader, receipt of transaction and delivery evidence of the goods, the learned silk said he could not remember the name of the trader or his location neither was there any receipt or delivery note for the transaction.”
He added, “The account number the N5m was paid into by the senior lawyer has been confirmed earlier to be a company belonging to the female judge and her children.
“The registered company, not known to be engaged in building materials or any viable business is suspected to be surreptitiously set up for the purpose of warehousing proceeds of gratification.”
Source: Daily Post
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Tuesday, 8 November 2016

“We have to go back to the land and solid minerals and do a lot of savings so that we can leave a better country for our children”
President Muhammadu Buhari
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Nigerian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, NEITI, has accused former Presidents, Olusegun Obasanjo, late Umaru Yar’Adua and Goodluck Jonathan of wasting over N70trillion during their respective administrations.
The Executive Secretary of NIETI, Mr. Waziri Adio made the disclosure while addressing the Senate Committee on Federal Character and Inter-Governmental Affairs during an oversight visit to his office in Abuja.
Adio said the over N70 trillion represents earnings from sale of crude oil and gas between 1999 and 2014.
Source: Daily Post
According to Adio, Nigeria needs to develop a prudent way of spending, or the country may be in for rough times ahead.
Activist lawyer, Femi Falana recently quoted NEITI as saying some oil companies and NNPC are owing the Federal Government a total of $20.2bn.
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Nigeria Force jets bombard Air Forceat Kangarwa [VIDEO]
Following the report of the attack, 3x fighter jets and a reconnaissance aircraft were immediately deployed for the operation, Director of Public Relations, Group Captain Ayodele Famuyiwa, said in a statement.
While the fighter aircraft was scrambled to repel the attack, the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft was deployed to give guidance to ground troops on the position equipment and strength of the Boko Haram fighter.
Continuing, he said, “The operation, which started at about 1700 hours (5pm) continued till late evening at about 1915 hours (7:15pm) before the attack was successfully repelled.
“Before repelling the attack at Kangarwa, the NAF also conducted a number of day and night operations yesterday.
“The air interdiction missions were aimed at decimating the operational capability of the insurgents.
“The operations were carried out at Kashimeri, Tumbu Gini, chukugudu and other BHT strongholds from where the insurgents launch attack on Bama and neighbouring settlements.”
Source: Daily Post
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Monday, 7 November 2016
N500,000 bribery scandal: APC national legal adviser, Banire steps down

Banire is currently facing probe by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission for giving N500, 000 to a judge.
The EFCC also seized his passport before releasing him on administrative bail after detaining him for seven hours.
The senior advocate was said to have transferred about N500, 000 to Justice Terseer Agbadu-Fishim of the National Industrial Court.
However, in a letter dated November 8, 2016 which he wrote to the APC National Executive Committee through the National Chairman of the party, John Odigie-Oyegun, and copied to President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo, Banire said he was stepping down pending the outcome of the EFCC investigation.
He said he was doing so in the interest of the image of the party.
Source: Daily Post
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I hope it can help you in your relationships. First I want to advice men on how to treat their women to bring out the best in them. Before I continue, I want you to know that there's an angel in every woman, so it all depends on you to know how to bring out that angel in her. If you are romantic to your wife, telling her daily that she's the most beautiful woman, and that you will choose her over and over again, it will be difficult for such a woman to turn to a nagging woman or change from the angel you fell in love with. Women love to be complimented, to be reminded that they are loved and they are beautiful. I don't understand how difficult that is. Why men can't tell their wives daily that they love her and call her sweet names and compliment her. Most women have insecurities and need their man's compliments to make them feel good about themselves. Especially women that are mothers and their body has changed. Men do not realise the emotional damage their cheating habits can cause to their partner. When you cheat on your woman and she knows, most of the time you leave her hating herself and thinking she's not good enough or ugly, that can gradually lead to depression and some women have taken their lives because of depressions like that. Or they become sad, nagging wives. To cut the long story short, men, to get the best and the angel out of your woman is simple. Show her love, compliment her always, make her feel like she's the most beautiful woman on earth, be blind to her flaws, tell her how much you love her all the time take her out on dates sometimes, it doesn't matter how long you have been married, stop throwing your cheating habit in her face, stop giving her reasons to doubt you and believe me, you will have the most sweet, nice and supportive woman.
Now, over to the women. The first thing I want you to know is, there's no age or moment in your life when you should stop trying to look nice and beautiful for your husband. Continue to seduce him with your looks. Most men want their wife looking good so they can be proud to go out with her or flaunt her. Don't become an unkempt and unattractive woman just because you are married or a mother. Always be on top of your game. Never stop looking after your body. Stop making it easy for your man to cheat on you. Stop making it difficult for him to compliment you or love you. Have you noticed how beautiful and easy those young girls out there are, they are ready to treat your man like a king for his money, they don't love him, they love his money but most times men prefer to run to them because of the peace they get and because they are not attracted to their wife that has suddenly become like their mother, looking like a great grandmother. Some of you go months without making your hair or washing your hair, you wear granny undies, and keep the house very dirty. Even me that's a woman gets irritated by women like that. And please and please , if your husband is nice and romantic to you, reciprocate that and dont be a nagging woman. You are gradually pushing your husband out, with your looks and your nagging habits. And what most women do not know is, you have some power over your husband. You just have to know the right ways to exercise that power and get him to do what you want. Your husband is the head of the family, but you are the neck that turns the head. Men also want to be pampered, loved, and called sweet names. Do not stop taking care of your man, prepare his best meals and come up with new delicacies always. Look good for him. Do not starve him of sex. Keep yourself and your house clean and attractive. Do not insult him over every little thing and make him feel worthless. Stop killing your man's ego with your words. Most men already feel terrible that they are not living up to expectations or doing what's expected of them financially, do not add salt to injury by reminding him of how worthless and poor or not enough of a man he is. Encourage him, support him and love him the best way you can. Also, try to have something doing, if you can't combine a job with been a wife and mother, then have a business, a business with workers or a sales person that you can go sometimes to inspect. Save up and start something or have your husband give you capital for the business. But by all means, have something doing. Men like a woman that can sometimes buy food for the house without asking him. A woman that will not depend on him for everything, down to even her sanitary pad. He may tell you that, honey you don't need to work, let me look for money for us. Probably because he's rich. But trust me, eventually he will start losing respect for you and taking you for granted and treating you anyhow because he feels you can't do without his money since you depend on him for completely everything. There's nothing as sexy as a hard-working and ambitious woman. Thank you for reading and leave a comment for us here to encourage me. Have a lovely week. Cheers!

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report for the third quarter of 2016 with the country recording an
increase of 74.84 per cent in investment inflow from $1.04bn in the
second quarter to $1.82bn.

The bureau in the report released yesterday in Abuja, however, stated
that when compared with the inflow in the relative third quarter of
2015, the capital imported into the country represents a decline of
33.7 per cent.
There are three major categories of investment that make up the total
investment inflow into the country. They are portfolio investment,
foreign direct investment and other investment.
An analysis of the report revealed that during the third quarter,
portfolio investment rose by 172.84 per cent from $337.3m in the
second quarter to $920.32m.
In the same vein, the report stated that foreign direct investment
rose by 84.8 per cent from $184.3m in the second quarter to $340.64m
in the third quarter while other investment rose by 7.8 per cent from
$520.6m to $561.6m.
It said, “In the third quarter of 2016, portfolio investment was the
largest component of imported capital and accounted for $920.32
“Although portfolio equity declined by 28.12 per cent relative to the
previous quarter, this is outweighed by large increases in other types
of portfolio investments.
“Bonds increased from zero in the second quarter, to $369m in the
third, and money market instruments increased from $57.5m to $350.2m
over the same period, an increase of 509.03 per cent.
“This is the first quarter since 2007 second quarter in which equity
was not the largest part of portfolio investment.
“At $201.12m this type of portfolio investment remains considerably
subdued relative to previous highs of $4.9bn in the first quarter of
2013, and $3.87bn in the second quarter of 2014.”
The report explained that the highest amount of investment inflow for
the third quarter of this year was recorded in the month of August
when $894m was brought into the country by investors.
This, according to the report, was the highest monthly amount brought
into the country by investors since July 2015.
The report explained further that in the month of September this year,
the country recorded a total investment inflow of $649.76m.
This, it noted, was still more than any monthly investment inflow
recorded during the first and second quarter of this year.
The report reads in part, “The total value of capital imported into
Nigeria in the third quarter of 2016 was estimated to be $1.82bn,
which represents an increase of 74.84 per cent relative to the second
Explaining the reason for the quarterly increase in investment inflow,
the report stated that most of the increase in the value of capital
importation came from debt financing.
For instance, it said that out of the total quarterly increase, 85 per
cent was accounted for by increases in portfolio investment in bonds
and money market instruments.
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including the adoption of a budget calendar which will begin with the
submission of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) by the
second week in July and end with the President signing the
Appropriation Bill into law by third week of December every year.
The strategies according to a statement signed yesterday by the Media
Office of the President of the Senate, also include provision of laws
on development plans by the Federal Government are aimed at easy and
timely preparation of the budget and its efficient implementation.
The measures contained in a report submitted to the Senate President,
Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki by the Senator Ali Ndume-led technical
committee on the reforming the budget process in Nigeria, proposed a
budget calendar that will ensure that the President assents to the
appropriations law by third week of December while the Medium Term
Expenditure Framework (MTEF) is submitted in the second week of July
as the first step in the budget process.
The report to be discussed at plenary by the Senate also include
amendments of the relevant sections of the Constitution and extant
laws as well as enactment of new laws to improve the country's
budgetary process and align it to international best practices.
Other key recommendations in the report submitted last Thursday
include the proposed provision of a legal backing for national
development plans, and enactment of organic budget law to fix a
realistic budget calendar.
According to the report, the broad strategies aimed at improving the
budget process "revolve around reforming laws and frameworks for
budget formulation, enactment, and implementation, aligning the budget
process to international best practices, strengthening capacities, and
institutions for budget formulation and implementation, and
strengthening the revenue base for budget implementation."
Some of the key reform strategies for budget preparation are:
* Alter Section 81(1) of the 1999 Constitution and amend Sections 11
and 14 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) to provide for a fixed
and realistic budget calendar by which the President will present the
budget to tue National Assembly by the first week of September,
considered and passed by by 30th November and assented to by the
President by the second week of December.
* Provide legal backing for development plans to serve as basis for
the annual budget and ensure continuity of development plans. In this
regard, complete the legislative actions initiated for the enactment
of laws: "Development Planing Act" and "Project Implementation and
Continuity Act", pending in NASS.
* Amend Sections 13-18 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act to link MTEF
with a development plan. Then: have a long term (10-15 years)
development plan to be implemented with three year MTEF and
Medium-term Sector Strategy (MTSS). National Assembly to support the
development plan with a resolution and ensure that the annual budget
is linked to it.
* Amend the FRA to enlarge the list of stakeholders to be consulted
during the budget preparation process. Then, there should be
pre-budget consultation between the legislature and the executive as
well as between the executive and the public. And during the budget
defense by the MDAs before the Committees, relevant stakeholders
should be invited.
* Enact an organic budget law that puts together all laws relating to
the budget, including a fixed and realistic budget calendar and a
pre-Budget Statement.
* Alter Section 162 of the Constitution recognize saving by the three
tiers of government through the Federation Account and provide legal
backing for Excess revenue savings to enable he country save revenue
windfalls and stabilize government expenditure during fiscal crisis.
* Develop a budget manual. The budget manual should include the
procedure for public participation in the budget process and public
access to budget information during the budget preparation process.
* Amend Section 19 of FRA to include project documents in the list of
budget documentation; amend Part III of the FRA to provide for
reporting standards and information sharing arrangements.
* Provide effective timelines for monthly and quarterly financial and
non-financial reports. Enact a law to compel all MDAs to upload their
budget-related information on a dedicated website.
* Develop and publish criteria or methodology for determining the
aggregate expenditure estimate and its allocation to sectors and line
items. Expand the information content of the Budget Call Circular to
include the modalities for public participation in the budget
preparation process.
* Develop the capacity of MDAs and other relevant stakeholders to
effectively apply the zero-based budgeting technique or any other
performance-based technique that may be adopted.

The committee also urged the National Assembly to strengthen the
capacity of its committees in the area of budget scrutiny and
appraisal through helping members and the and staff to undergo
training and enlightenment programme on the economy and budget
Institutions of the National Assembly like the National Institute for
Legislative Studies (NILS) and National Assembly Budget Office (NABRO)
are also to be equipped to effectively assist committees with sound
budget analysis.
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