There is a saying that; 'When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers'. A good marriage and a good career takes so much time and effort to make it a success. When the two are not properly managed, the people involved get to suffer it or affected the most. The good news is that it's possible to be married and have a career with little compromise along the way, you just have to know how best to manage both. A balanced life is non negotiable.
Each of these elephants (career and marriage) have its expectations. And navigating both means becoming a good manager. Yes! a good manager of your expectations. High demands from employers due to competitive job market cripples the zeal and emotions of most employees. This is greater for the executives and much more for not yet managers. Managing your daily career routine and marriage routine through stress relief module that works for you will do the magic. Different strokes for different folks they say; to some people, it's all about short touch points like calls, emails, pinging etc within working hours while it works more at evening personal time for others. The question is 'what works for you?
A quick check on the following could be of help while you consciously think about the module that works for you;
1. Prioritize your life knowing that your creator (God) expects you to love Him first, then your marriage/family comes second and at third place is your career. This is God's plan from the beginning. You can trace your way back by first of all acknowledging Him everyday in your marriage. When the first and second are properly managed, the third automatically fits in.
2.Sincerely identify, spell out and strategies your career and marriage goals. Achieving them is the beginning of success and fulfillment for you.
3. Maintaining good communication skills with spouse, children (if any) and at work too. This gives the support needed especially when the job description goes beyond expectations.
3. Set out ground rules for your marriage, it helps in crossing the 'Ts' and dotting the 'I's.
4. Adore your family time with spouse or children. weekends and vacations are precious time to look forward to but for those that work round the clock, every spared second must be highly maximized. Remember that family is the first resting place of relief from every other thing, so learn to increase your bond by
Planning date nights with spouse.
Making time for a Sport, game or anything you both love.
Bringing your spouse to company events like end of year party.
Avoiding constant breakage of appointments with spouse.
Taking the kids to the movies or amusement parks.
Planning ahead to attend children's school PTA, end of year party, visiting day etc.
Make out time to atleast flip through their books and homework.
An upfront clarification of your expectations regarding child care, money, travelling, meals etc help your decisions regarding trade offs.
And if possible, switch off your phone and other gargets to add value to your family time.
5.Finally,there is no one size fits all solution, be sure that one person is not doing all the sacrifices. Always ask your spouse for feedbacks.
posted from Bloggeroid
Nice tips. Thank you
ReplyDeleteVery nicely written. Career and marriage:Maintaining the balance is key