A healthy online relationship needs the same things all healthy relationships need: communication, trust and future plans.
We can’t say it enough: honest and open communication is necessary! An online relationship can be really dependent on honest communications, and there are tons of ways to have these communications. It can be through text messages, chats, FaceTime, Skype. Since you are not physically together, it is inportant you communicate more frequent. Tell each other everything. Fill each other up on your every day routine and activities. Gist alot, gossip if you can. Be best buddies. Eventually, you will get to a point that you can't do anything without telling ur partner. You will become so attached and inseparable.
Trust is a major key in a healthy relationship. When you are not around someone physically, feeling emotionally close and connected to them can be tough. If you find out that this lack of closeness is turning into mistrust, and that mistrust is making your partner (or you) want or try to control where you go, who you see, and what you do with your time, that is not okay. Regardless of whether you are physically close or far away, trust is still a decision that you and your partner can make, and it’s not healthy to continue a relationship where there is not trust. Also, it is important to make sure you never give your partner any reason to doubt or suspect you of doing something wrong. Because when trust is lost, it's almost impossible to get it back. And do not ever keep secrets from each other. Your partner should be your best friend
Future plans
One thing that is very essential in having a successful and strong long distance or online relationship is a well planned future for both of you. You should definitely plan or make plans on been together in future. Either the girl will have to sacrifice and move to work where her man is or he will sacrifice to move closer to her. This is very important because it gives both of you something positive to look forward to, and hope for a better future. When there is no plan for a future together, with time one of you or both of you will gradually start losing interest in the relationship.
posted from Bloggeroid
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