When women hang out together and get down to gisting about stuffs, often times, when they're not talking about fashion, they're busy talking about guys! They're either talking about how their man gives them so much loving or how much heartache he's causing them. When they go on and on about men, you'll begin to wonder if there aren't at least a few good men left. But gisting about each others' partner is not the exclusive reserve of women alone. Men, too, talk about women when they hang out. And we also complain about some of the negatives of our women. Few days ago, myself and some of my colleagues were at the eatery opposite the office having lunch when our discussion veered to women and how increasingly difficult its become these days to maintain a woman in this recession period.

"Problem with most of our women is that a lot of them are ungrateful", Isaac remarked, packing a mouthful of fried rice. "No matter what you do, they insist you have not done enough, they believe they have given much more to the relationship than you're giving to them."
"But must the strength of every relationship be based on materialistic gains? What in heavens name happened to good old sweet love?" Seun asked, looking into our eyes for answers.
I shrugged. "Who can give you the answer you seek? Only the women themselves can answer that question," I'd offered. "Its not such a nice feeling though, knowing your woman is not appreciative of the little things you do for her.."
"Can you imagine, last week I gave my wife a