Thou shalt hold thy wife's love by the same means that thou won it. (SOS 5:10-16)

Men persue their future bride with doting ceaseless attention. Once married the husband views marriage as a goal accomplished an on to other of life's challenges. He then gives his ceaseless doting attention to the job, the boys or anything but his wife. She on the other hand viewed marriage not as a goal met, but as the beginning of a relationship. She viewed his doting attention as a down payment of attentions to come. He viewed it as a means to merely get her to say "I DO".
This guy really WON the love of his future wife. He looked good because he groomed his appearance for her. He smelled good, because he regularly bathed and gargled. And he spoke words of "sweetness" to his love. But give many husbands a few years of marriage and they let their appearance and hygiene slip. But worst of all the sweetness towards their wife is gone. The wife proclaims to her friends, "Did he ever change after we said 'I do'!" Guys, if you want the nights to be hot, you best start warming up your wife in the day with words of kindness.
Buy your wife flowers on a regular basis.
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Thou shalt hold thy wife's love by the same means that thou won it. (SOS 5:10-16)

Men persue their future bride with doting ceaseless attention. Once married the husband views marriage as a goal accomplished an on to other of life's challenges. He then gives his ceaseless doting attention to the job, the boys or anything but his wife. She on the other hand viewed marriage not as a goal met, but as the beginning of a relationship. She viewed his doting attention as a down payment of attentions to come. He viewed it as a means to merely get her to say "I DO".
This guy really WON the love of his future wife. He looked good because he groomed his appearance for her. He smelled good, because he regularly bathed and gargled. And he spoke words of "sweetness" to his love. But give many husbands a few years of marriage and they let their appearance and hygiene slip. But worst of all the sweetness towards their wife is gone. The wife proclaims to her friends, "Did he ever change after we said 'I do'!" Guys, if you want the nights to be hot, you best start warming up your wife in the day with words of kindness.
Buy your wife flowers on a regular basis.
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posted from Bloggeroid
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