Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Thou shalt not nag...hit him with thine frying pan, it is kindlier. (Prov 27:15; 21:19) If the husband says


Thou shalt not nag...hit him with thine frying pan, it is kindlier. (Prov 27:15; 21:19)
If the husband says…

Wife replies…

Sarah called Abraham Lord and walked 50 feet behind him.

God told Abraham to listen to the voice of his wife and obey all that she says Gen 21:12

Folding laundry is woman's work

Jesus neatly folded his laundry in the tomb John 20:7

Cooking is woman's work

Jesus cooked breakfast by the sea Jn 21:9

Making the bed is woman's work

Peter commanded Aeneas to "arise and make your bed" Acts 9:34

Acts 6 "We can not neglect the word of God to serve tables"

Did you notice that the apostles appointed 7 MEN

If I go to all the trouble of making a mess, the least you can do is clean it up.

If you go to all the trouble of making all the money, the least I can do it spend it!

Cleaning the house is not my work

Jesus cleansed the

posted from Bloggeroid

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