Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Thou shalt not take thy wife for granted, but will honour and respect her as thy equal. (1 Pet 3:7).Click here to read more

Thou shalt not take thy wife for granted, but will honour and respect her as thy equal. (1 Pet 3:7)

Husband, are you treating your wife as an equal and granting her your highest honor? If not God says he will not answer your prayers!
Selfishness is a marriage killer. For many men they think they are better than their wife simply because they are men. These men have made a serious judgment error. Husbands, tell your wife how important and valuable she is to you. Watch for the loving smile on her face when you do! The Proverbs writer said, "An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain." Prov 31:10-11 Notice how the wise husband trusts his wife's judgments and realizes how fortunate he is to have her.
Go to long version outline of 10 commandments for wifes

posted from Bloggeroid

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